so once again, this will be a quick one. so i'll briefly mention some of the stories of the day. in an unsurprising move, YamotoCannon, formerly coach of MYM, has left the team to coach Glacial Phoenix. i have no idea who that is, but apparently they're from Belarus, and i don't recognize any names on that team. in much larger news, outstanding danish midlaner and gigantic douche-troll, Incarnati0n, had his "perma-ban" lifted and is now available to join a a player. immediately, the rumor birds began to fly and he is RUMORED (i put it in caps because nothing is confirmed as of yet) to be joining C9. there, he would replace the oft injured Hai, who would most likely slide back into more of a team management roll, as Cloud9 is his company. while none of this is confirmed, it makes the most sense, since C9 hasn't looked like the team of old, Hai has had a slew of health issues over the last year + (wrist issues, collapsed lung, etc.), this move could, theoretically, make C9 a much stronger team, but adding such a toxic player could hurt them if he is reformed like Nukeduck is.
tomorrow, the EU and NA LCS playoffs begin with H2K v. CW at 11am EST and CLG v. Team Liquid at 3pm EST. these games represent a lot for these teams, it's validation for Liquid, CLG and CLG, and it's proof that H2K isn't an anomaly, they are legit contenders. my hopes, as most of you know, are for Liquid and H2K to end as losers, not because i have anything against H2K, i'm just more of a fan of CW, and i DO have something against Team Liquid, which is, i don't like passive-aggressive Xpecial and trolly IWDominate, so here's to their loss!
during tomorrows round of games, i'll be going over the games slated for sunday, and i'll briefly touch on the CS championship games remaining, and how CW purchased a potential championship team, in the LowLandLions, which they will, no doubt, have to sell, if they are to become part of the LCS.
i hope all of you got to check out Tower Dive, if not, here is your chance to hear myself and Pan the Man, yammer on about all things league. give us a listen and hopefully, you like what you hear and you'll tell your friends. that's it from me, i'll see you on the rift.
Tower Dive Podcast
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