Monday, May 11, 2015

Cptn's Log - that might have been the best performance of the season...

     and i don't even mean the championship game, i'm talking the whole shabang.  i have to say, i am thoroughly satisfied with the mid season invitational.  yea, TSM shit the bed, yea Fnatic got a bit screwed by a wonky bug, but whatever, things like that happen.  all sports/games/activities/hobbies, have quirks.  shit happens, things go wrong or not as they were intended to sucks, but we move passed it, just as these teams did.  i can say, the fans are WAY worse than the players are, because the players understand that there is always a tomorrow, and a next time.

     congrats to EDG, they made me look stupid.  i put all my eggs in the SKT basket, and while they looked like the best team over the course of the 4 days, they lost when it mattered most.  but we got to see Faker's LeBlanc, we got to see a shining example of a team, baiting a super star into playing into their trap.  it was beautiful.  there was legit excitement around all these games.  we had trash talking, blown opportunities, surprises...MSI was the best thing we've had in competitive league in quite some time.

     all this gilding the lily though, brings me to the "underbelly" of it all. the fans.  while most were pretty great, on reddit, things got a little out of hand.  the TSM/Fnatic apologists were out in full force.  the haters, hating on Dyrus but making excuses for Bjergsen were relentless.  the pissing contest between na and eu reached a fever pitch and stopped being about who's better, but who's the bigger asshole.  it even spilled over into insulting casters!  joshua "jatt" leesman was called out because of things he said about TSM and Fnatic, Jatt...who is incredible at calling things right down the middle, with an honest and unbiased eye.  its things like that, that give this community a black eye.  i'm not saying we all need to hold hands and sing songs while hugging and loving one another, but i do think we need to really look at how we handle "fandom" and stop being such colossal assholes about who we like, who we don't like, and why everyone is a dick.  we the real fan of the game, who would rather see the best of the best, going toe to toe on the grandest of stage, whether they be korean, american, european, taiwanese, chinese, etc, we want to be entertained and given a great show...and that's exactly what MSI was, a great show.  in a few months, when worlds rolls around, there might be new teams in the conversation, it's probably unlikely, but there's a chance, because that's what this game gives us, unpredictability.  lets just all enjoy it, and let ourselves enjoy it, before getting too wrapped up in the bullshit that surrounds it.

have fun, and i'll see you on the rift!


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