because, it was week 9 for eu. the playoff picture was coming together and i needed to give it my full attention. it turns out, all the way back to my first blog post, MYM was going to be relegated, but not for a lack of trying. they were just a team in a bad place after a really rough start, and Giants were able to capitalize in the tie breaker. Elements, now there is a team that deserves to be relegated. the least inspiring play i have ever seen in a team. these super teams, they just don't work. in order for them to exist and succeed, their superstar talent needs to be able to put aside their egos for the betterment of the team, these guys can't do it. Rekkles seems completely disinterested in this team, and his play shows it. they staved off having to play for their spot next season, but they don't deserve not to. CW turned it up a notch this week, and then turned it way down the next day. this team has a bad case of jeckyll and hyde disorder. they can look downright dominant, and then look completely lost, it has to be frustrating for them, because i can barely watch it, and i'm not on their team. Fnatic assured they were not finishing 1st or 3rd, decided to have a little fun it seems, Huni, on cho'gath was certainly interesting to see. this team, i gush about them week to week, but they really play the way you're supposed to, aggressive, hungry but still seeming to have fun, i love watching it.
we now turn our attention to the na scene, where things are a lot less black and white (unless you're talking about Coast being out of next split, which is assured). if Impulse sweeps the days, they have a shot at 2nd, provided C9 loses a game. CLG has a chance at 1st if they manage a sweep and TSM drops 2. we can have a 3 way tie for first, its absolute craziness in na. the bottom end of the spectrum is all but figured out, with Coast out, and Winterfox and Dignitas going to relegation. other than that, the final 2 spots are up for grabs. on a personal note, i have a chance to win my fantasy lcs league, but need a lot of things to break my way in order to do so, so lets go Impulse!
well, i'm going to keep this one quick, and not cheapen the day with heavy handed words. if you found this blog from a reddit post, welcome! i hope it's to your liking. i'm pumped to watch some lcs and play some ranked. if you see me online, shoot me a message, lets play a game.
Cptn_Hooks on Twitch
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