for some reason, all over the interwebs today, has been league posts about, all of the sudden, NOW, its a problem. the days, months, weeks, and years prior to this, it was totally not a thing, NOW, people want to talk about it. clearly, i'm not talking about reddit, who sings of toxic players on a daily basis. anyone who's played a ranked game in the last few years, for more than 10 minutes, and not carried hard, has been called a noob, a scrub, a filthy casual (one of my personal favorites...), bad-at-life, and, of course, a faggot. my mother has been fucked thousands of times by thousands of summoners, and the hopes for my painful death are plentiful in post game chat, but all of this isn't news.
richard lewis made a video about it...which is a tad amusing, since, in terms of the community, he's a somewhat toxic individual. i dislike how he seems to believe that the term, in gaming, originated in league and that it is "infecting and infiltrating" games like counter strike. news flash, the counter strike community is not without trolls. its full of the same scumbags and assholes that play smite, or halo, or hearthstone, or HoN, or WoW, or infinite crisis, or evolve, or EVERY COMPETITIVE GAME THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. i can assure you, the first time you were called a "faggot" in league, was not the first time you were called a "faggot" in online gaming. now, i don't love that word, i don't love how its thrown around, innocuously, but that's for another blog. the point i'm making is toxicity won't start and end with LoL.
trolls are going to be trolls, no amount of banning, cracking down, restricting, etc, is going to stop them. you see on reddit, all the time, "i got chat restricted and i don't know why...", it's because you're an asshole and are just too stupid to realize it. people like that, they're not going away. the more you complain and bitch and moan, the louder they get, and everyone is guilty of it at some point in time. i, myself, was a rager and a bit of a didn't make me any better at this game, in fact, it made me worse, because i was more concerned with getting under my opponents skin than i was at improving my game. i made a conscious decision one night, that it just wasn't worth it to be that way. i took a few days, did some introspection, took on a zen-like mentality, and learned that mute is your friend.
people are so focused on pointing out toxic players, but it goes all the way up from bronze 5 to the pro scene. nukeduck, mithy, these guys are assholes. ocelote, he was one of the most toxic players ever. that faux-thug team in australia, they got banned because they let life imitate art, or life imitate childish behavior. my point is, you're not going to stop it by crusading on the internet. let them troll. either way, they will destroy your game, don't let them destroy your sanity. i'm glad i got that off my chest. the podcast is coming...keep your eyes on the skies...or on the internet, specifically facebook and/or twitter...this is how the world will end, this is how the world will end, not with a bang, but with passive aggressive post-it notes...thank you cards against humanity.
see you on the rift
Cptn_Hooks on Twitch
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